As Dark Money Corrupts North Carolina Politics, Nida Allam Takes a Stand
Since the 2010 Citizens United decision, dark money has captured our politics to influence election results and policy outcomes in favor of special interests. Last week, the effects of that dark money were especially pronounced with the draft opinion from the Supreme Court that would gut Roe v. Wade, despite a majority of Americans believing that Roe should be upheld. A dark money network that was funded with at least $52 million in 2020 alone is behind our radical present-day Court. After their appointments to the Court were backed by extremist, partisan special interests, it is no surprise that radical Supreme Court justices make decisions in line with their dark money backers’ interests rather than the public interest.
While the impact of dark money feels especially significant now, the reality is that Big Money corrupts politics daily at all levels of our nation, including in North Carolina. In House races in North Carolina in 2020, outside groups spent nearly $28 million. Outside money is once again at play in 2022. In NC-04, the Democratic primary is now the most expensive in state history, with at least $3 million in outside spending already flooding into the election.
We must elect leaders who will take on the corrupting influence of Big Money in politics if we want to make progress on the most important issues facing Americans, like rising costs. In the NC-04 Democratic primary, that candidate is Nida Allam.
Allam has pledged not to take corporate PAC money, fossil fuel money, or to self-fund so that she’s accountable solely to the hardworking people of North Carolina, not special interests or wealthy donors. When she gets to Washington, she’ll stand up to corporate lobbyists and corrupt politicians and won’t be beholden to any outside, dark money forces so that she can dedicate her time to working for North Carolina.
Allam also understands that a large amount of the outside and undisclosed money flooding into North Carolina is part of a national, coordinated effort to undermine faith in our elections and silence the voice of American voters. That’s why she’s a firm supporter of the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, the most significant anti-corruption and voting rights bill in generations, which would protect the freedom to vote and end dark money in federal elections by making most political donations public and transparent.
As Durham County Commissioner, Allam has shown exactly what leadership that is solely accountable to the people looks like–from voting to raise the minimum wage for county employees to $15/hour to leading the charge to provide property tax relief for low-income families. Now, North Carolinians can elect her to Congress so she can continue advocating for their interests. She’ll work to limit the money in politics that impedes progress on issues like ensuring COVID relief goes to working families and small businesses instead of wealthy corporations, protecting our climate, and lowering prices on life-saving medications.
It’s critical, now more than ever, to have leaders in office who will stand up to the corrupting influence of Big Money in politics. Last week’s Supreme Court leak was a sobering reminder of the impact dark money can have, and it should be all Americans’ top priority to elect individuals who will stand for transparency in politics and end dark money once and for all. In NC-04, that change starts with electing Nida Allam.
Tiffany Muller is the president of End Citizens United // Let America Vote, a grassroots-funded anti-corruption and voting rights organization with over 4 million members nationwide.