Joe Biden Will Put People Ahead of Corporate Special Interests as President

Tiffany Muller
3 min readApr 30, 2020


Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern history. Since the day he took the oath of office, he has focused on enriching himself, his family, and his corporate special interest buddies at the expense of American families.

Joe Biden is the complete opposite. He’s spent his career fighting to make sure our democracy works for — and includes — everyone. Biden is the only candidate for president who will work from the moment he’s sworn in to pass bold reforms to get Big Money out of our politics and create opportunities for all Americans to participate in our democracy.

End Citizens United and Let America Vote recently endorsed Vice President Biden because we know that whether it’s responding to the coronavirus, working to reduce the costs of prescription drugs, or taking on climate change, he’ll put people ahead of corporate special interests on day one, just like he’s done his entire career.

One of the first bills Joe Biden co-sponsored when he was sworn into the Senate was a public financing bill. It earned him the reputation as a strong advocate for comprehensive campaign finance reform, which he continued to fight for throughout his time in that office.

As Vice President, Joe Biden took on the disastrous Citizens United 2010 Supreme Court decision, calling it “outrageous” and repeatedly speaking out against racist voter identification laws.

In his campaign for president, he has again emphasized the need to ensure that government works for American families, not corporate special interests. His Plan to Guarantee Government Works for the People lays out exact steps to make this happen.

As President, Joe Biden has pledged to make it a first priority to lead on a comprehensive set of reforms like those reflected in the For the People Act (H.R. 1), the most sweeping anti-corruption and government ethics bill since Watergate. A Biden administration is committed to legislation to:

  • End the dominance of Big Money in politics by bringing dark money into the light, empowering small donors in our elections through a small dollar public financing program for federal elections and introducing a constitutional amendment to entirely eliminate private dollars from our federal elections, and strengthening rules and enforcement of our campaign finance laws.
  • Make sure every vote is counted and protected by ending discrimination at the ballot box, making it safer and easier to vote, ending gerrymandering, and giving states and localities the funding they need to maintain the integrity of our elections particularly during the current health pandemic.
  • Ensure accountability in Washington by strengthening ethics rules for federal officials, reducing the power of lobbyists, and giving ethics watchdogs more power to hold violators accountable.

These changes are the only way we’ll get anything done on the major issues of our day, from health care and prescription drug costs to climate, to an economy that works for everyone.

In this time of uncertainty, Americans deserve leadership that will be accountable to them. Vice President Biden is the only presidential candidate who will listen to and understand the needs of hard working Americans and put their interests ahead of big donors and corporate special interests.

End Citizens United and Let America Vote are proud to be in the fight alongside Joe Biden to make government work for everyone. It’s why we need him as the next President of the United States.

— Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United and Let America Vote



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